Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving in the French Classroom

This week I talked about Thanksgiving in my classes. The older kids read about Thanksgiving in French and then they learned and wrote a few words like corn, turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and family. For the little kids, I gave a simple explanation, reviewed colors, and then had them make hand turkeys, which they kept calling poules (chickens). No! Not chickens! Turkeys!

Kiddies in my CE1 (2nd grade) class at JF showing their hand turkeys.

This was taken just before the one above. Shows how well they listen to me!


  1. hey katie!

    we're finished with our meal and just had Jenny's birthday cake! Thanks for skypeing us! This is my attempt at a posted comment! Cross those fingers!

    Heidi (and your family!)

  2. hey!

    My kids called their turkey hats chickens too!! haha :-)


  3. hello, katie! Do you enjoy going to class and seeing your students, or do they drive you crazy?


  4. Awe! Thanks guys for posting comments! Emily- it really just depends. Some days and some classes are good and their cute little French accents make me smile. I LOVE it when I see that they've learned something. Other days and classes are more difficult.

  5. Wow, I really love how diverse your class was.
